Wednesday, May 23, 2007

48 Ways To Grow Your Business

Many of you are looking for ways to promote your business product or service without spending a lot of money. Here are 48 things I’ve done to promote my business with no advertising budget.

Give your service away for free – with caution.
Lead a workshop through your local church, Chamber of Commerce, or civic group.
Start a free newsletter.
Create a 20, 40 and 60-minute presentation on your area of expertise.
Speak to a group 2-3 times a month.
Host a bonfire and brainstorming bash on your topic area.
Send an op-ed piece to your local newspaper or business publication.
Submit an article to 30 different magazines and newspapers. Use the Writer’s Market for leads: Writer’s Market
Send out press releases: Press Releases
Do something newsworthy.
Give away a one-hundred point check-list for success in your area of expertise.
Give away free audio CDs on your specialty. Tell people everything you know about achieving success in that area.
Develop an customer intake information form.
Offer to help someone in the news who could use your help.
Be an expert on a local radio show.
Join a local professional organization.
Have three basic programs and pricing packages.
Be clear on what you can and cannot provide.
Identify 30-40 referral sources. Become a resource of information for them.
Immediately acknowledge a referral.
Send creative thank-you gifts to referrals.
If you are looking for corporate clients, use Nurture Marketing: Nurture Marketing
Practice the skill of converting leads to clients.
Underpromise – Overdeliver.
Develop a great logo:
Use Fusion Marketing. Identify other companies that have the same kind of target clients and the same standards of excellence that you have.
Experiment with talk radio ads.
Find targeted mailing lists. USA Data Lots of them available.
Have an exhibit booth at connected trade shows.
Check prominent speakers’ schedules. Often there is an opportunity to have a booth at the back of the room.
Continue contact with your customers. Do 90-day, 6-month checkups.
Have an updated website for easy access to information.
Send birthday cards, anniversary of first purchase, benchmarks, etc.
Join three organizations whose members would be ideal clients for you.
Have clear personal goals – and honor them for success in all life areas.
Have lunch twice a week with someone you can learn from.
Write at least one note of encouragement each day to someone.
Generate so many business requests that you can comfortably select where you will be most effective – and then refer the rest to other appropriate businesses.
Ask for the order – be fearless; you’ve got to close the sale!
Get to know the top competitors in your field.
Email communication with 10 other people doing the same thing you are this month.
Have a personal MasterMind group or group of advisors.
Be extremely intentional about the use of your time. Plan for research and reading, personal growth, relaxation, physical health, etc.
Recognize that 20% of your work time in the first year should be spent in marketing.
Attend 2-3 major conferences each year.
Read 3-4 magazines each month. You need to stay informed for intelligent conversations with your clients. Try Fast Company, INC, Success, Entrepreneur.
Start a great magazine in your specialty.
Have an amazing “Elevator Speech.”
You don’t have to do all 48. Just pick 4-5 and do them very well.

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